Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wire works

"The brain is most complex thing on the planet," says Dr. Minshew. "So its wiring has to be very complex and intricate. With autism there's accelerated growth at the wrong time, and that creates havoc. The consequences, in terms of disturbing early development, include problems within the cortex and from the cortex to other regions of the cortex in ways that compromise language and reasoning abilities."

Screenprinted brain-scan on plexiglass

Pride and Prejudice

Slices from my time as an architect wannabe

Signs and Symptoms

Avoids eye contact

Ritualistic or compulsive behaviors

Unusually sensitive to light, sound and touch

Screenprinted plexi. Some of the photographs were stolen from the googleimage. The doodles are my own.

Loner Cubes

The State of Sameness

This sculpture, as well as much of my other work, is about connections. In nature, the structure of the very big and the very small are remarkably similar. For example, the roots of a tree, Lichtenberg figures, and the neurons in the brain all have similar branching structures. This piece is also about the missed connections. What happens then?